Today we had a Q & A session With Trevor Mackenzie about inquiry-based pedagogy. We have heard the term inquiry-based learning from day 1 in this program, but I think that this was the first time I have gotten a full explanation of inquiry and what it looks like. I really resonated with Trevor saying that this is a pedagogy, it is not an assignment or an assessment but it is an environment that the students learn in. That really made me able to wrap my head around the concept better.
His thoughts on not teaching to prepare students for university was really interesting to me. This definitely challenged a lot of my own experiences and ideas for teaching. I think we have it in our heads that we have to prepare our students for the next steps but what are those next steps? University is not an universal experience. What if high school is their last step? We still have to prepare that student for their life ahead of them and give them the tools to be lifelong learners in any fashion that they choose. Moreover, if you don’t learn to love learning, even if you do go to university you will probably not enjoy it as much. I know that I chose my initial degree for interest rather than future prospects and I honestly would not change a thing (well maybe a practical minor, but that is what I am here for) because I was engaged and excited for four years.
I found this picture that Trevor drew and I really resonated with it. I like the idea that we can slowly introduce the culture of inquiry and scaffold the premise to get students “swimming” on their own.
Overall, I think today was a really valuable discussion and I feel like I had a few aha! moments.