Cats are often misunderstood by people. People are  used to interpreting cat behaviour through the lens of dog behaviour. This causes many people to misinterpret a cat’s body language and behaviour and causes people to believe cats don’t like them. If you know what to look out for though you will know exactly how to interpret your cats actions.

The Slow Blink: 

When cats look you dead in the eye that could  be a sign of aggression BUT when they look you in the eye and slowly blink you know that your cat is basically giving you a hug.

The Constant Rubbing Against You:

When a cat rubs up against you all and your furniture they are marking you as their own. They release pheromones that claim you as part of their territory and help calm them down.

Exposing their Belly:

Often when cats expose their belly people think this is a sure sign of wanting belly rubs-like a dog. It actually is either an invitation to play (and yes claws and nails might be involved) or a way to show trust. Sometimes that trust can expand to belly rubs but often it is just a signal that they are comfortable with you.

Facing Away from you:

This is often seen as a snub. You sit down on the couch and the cat jumps up but promptly faces away from and falls asleep-this cat hates you right? Wrong! This means that the cat feels save and loved enough to trust you to protect them from any harm.

Here are some cool infographics on cat body language:

cat's eye language


how cats show love illustration


These Adorable Illustrations Will Help You Understand Cats And Dogs
