This week has been a lot of video editing and screen casting lessons to have in my tool box. It has been really odd for me because I know that I have all this technology at my finger tips and that I could use it at any time, but I don’t. Not just because I am unfamiliar with how to use things, if I really wanted to learn there are a billion resources that I could find to help, but because I have just never really thought of it.
I was born in such a weird generation limbo. I am the cutoff year of the Millennial and Gen Z. So, while I grew up with technology and am super comfortable with it and can figure out most things, I never had examples of it in the classroom. My teachers were all learning it as well and a lot of my schools just didn’t have the infrastructures that we have now to use technology. Now classrooms have apple TVs and state of the art everything and it makes sense to use tech. But not having that exemplified for me really has really limited my creativity for the uses of technology.
It is really exciting to start putting the pieces together of not only is the tech there but this is what you can do with it.
For example I made the video below on how to put a book on hold using the CloudLibrary app. It was so quick and easy to just narrate what I was doing while I was doing it. This could be so useful in a classroom where I want the kids to go to a specific site and do something, or as notes for my TOC, or whatever!