It is week 3 of tying to get my cats trained. Well I have given up on trying to train Suze, every time the clicker comes out she just runs away. So, it is week 3 of trying to train Todd. It has been slow progress but I think I am starting to see an association between the sound and the treat. In the video below you can see that Todd isn’t really paying attention to me until he hears the clicker and then he refocuses on me, waiting for his treat. At least that is what I want to see. You guys might not be able to see it at all!


With this taking so much longer than I thought it would I decided to see if I can find some outside help or community where other people are doing this too. You might be shocked, but there are a lot of crazy cat people out there doing this. I have taken to instagram to follow #clickertraining and #clickertrainingcat.  I have also followed @lil_man_pan on instagram to follow along on her journey of clicker training her cat. I will start to engage with those over the next week and see what tips I can use for my own project.

I think that being consistent is key and I need to keep practicing daily for a few minutes. These are going to be really small goals along the way, and I think that is ok. Not every milestone is going to be huge sometimes they are really tiny and we still need to celebrate those. I think that this is teaching me so much patience and resilience that is going to be so good in the classroom.